The Value of Small Conversations

As the first workshop at Gerber Jr./Sr. High School began, there was a typical introduction from each student.  Isaiah told me about his life at home — how he has been “moved around more than dice at a casino”. He told me about his family, the ups and downs and how he felt a little more to the left than to the right sometimes. He told me about his dreams, how he dreamt of purely being happy. He told me that he had done a 916 Ink program before and that he loved to write.

taking risks while running book cover

He was self-conscious about his handwriting, and when I suggested that he could share his ideas and I could transcribe, his eyes lit up with universes of stars. He dictated to me every word of his stories and he was amazed at how fast his thoughts were put on paper. Eventually, he wrote his own stories and shared them with me so that we could write more together.

Music was his escape from the stressors of life, and it was something that he could relate so easily to his writing. He always wore headphones and had his laptop out ready to start his playlist. You would think that he would be sucked into a black hole of never-ending music that keeps him content, but every time I asked for his attention, he immediately gave it to me.

excerpt of student work

Isaiah asked questions that most other students felt too shy to ask. He was always the first one to share his work, no matter how personal or funny it seemed to be to everyone. He made everyone smile through his jokes or through his laugh that echoed around every corner of the room. Anytime ANYONE read a piece, he was the first to compliment them and give the most wonderful and loving feedback.

He gave me motivation and just pure happiness every single week that he wrote with us. I will never forget the kind words he had for my writing or the small acts of genuine caring that he did for me. He changed my view on how much small conversations can mean – because now I value each one, and I will forever.

Thank you, Isaiah, for opening my eyes a little more, and reminding me why I love the work I do.

*You can help us make more stories like Isaiah's possible. By donating, you make it possible for us to hold these creative writing workshops that empower students and teach them to be confident writers. Since 2011 we have published almost 4,000 students, and Isaiah is now one of those published. Please help us transform even more Sacramento area youth!