Find Your Voice, 916 Ink’s creative writing workshop series for grades 3-12, aims to empower young people to find their voice and become published authors, celebrated at special Book Release Parties.
Celebrating 5000+ Young Authors in 250+ Anthologies!
About the Find Your Voice Method
The Find Your Voice Method provides a safe, engaging space for all voices to be expressed. Adapting the Amherst Writers and Artists’ method, 916 Ink provides a supportive feedback structure and allows Inkers to gain a better social and emotional understanding of themselves and their peers. Youth leave our programs with increased self-confidence, improved academic ability, and are inspired to continue writing in their day-to-day lives. Students are exposed to diverse voices and engage with language and storytelling freely and playfully.
Write with us this Summer!
Writing Programs at the Imaginarium
Specialty Workshops
Workshops in your Neighborhood
Youth Author Anthologies for Sale!
Our twelve-session school-site based programs include whimsical writing prompts and sample reading to engage 3-12 grade student imaginations, showing them that reading and writing can be fun and enjoyable. These lessons increase self-confidence, academic engagement and interpersonal skills.
They also promote personal empowerment and academic engagement.
By the end of each school-site based program, each student will have:
Received 18 hours of literary arts instruction.
Published up to 3-5 pieces of poetry and prose.
Feel empowered to tell their story and change their narrative for better outcomes.
87% of Inkers demonstrate improved attitudes toward writing
70% of Inkers look forward to writing down their ideas
60% of Inkers believe the stories that they can tell matter to others
84% of Inkers demonstrate in terms of social and emotional development
78% of Inkers believe they are good at using their imagination
77% of Inkers enjoy meeting people who are different than them.
Students will…
Learn to write poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
Learn to give and receive positive feedback and encouragement.
Polish, edit, and revise work for publication.
Become a published author in a professional 916 Ink anthology
Practice public speaking skills in front of friends and family at a book release and reading party.
Student “I Leave Here With” Testimonial:
“I leave here with accomplishment being able to have even the little thing published is amazing because you can claim that you are a author. The experience changed me especially doing the program with my friends.” - Gio, Grade 7
Teacher Testimonial:
“What is so transforming is that students have an opportunity to express themselves, hear others give expression to their thoughts, ideas, fears, passion… This is a powerful way to develop language and cognitive development.”- Dr. Jody Graf, Former Executive Director, Visions in Education