Thank You to Essential Workers

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When the Sigma Alpha Zeta chapter at California State University, Northridge, was looking for a way to thank those workers helping on the frontlines of the pandemic, they knew they wanted something a bit creative. We're delighted that they found 916 Ink's writing prompt Letter to Essential Workers! Even though this prompt was created with some of our youngest writers in mind, 916 Ink's method and prompts are suitable for all ages - we love that a group of young adults found our prompt inspirational. You can read these beautiful letters below!


Dear Postal Workers,

My name is Eduvina and I am 21 years old. I am writing to you to thank you for your dedication to serving the community. Your job is very important. During a time such as now, it can seem extremely frustrating that you all are already dealing with a pandemic and now with pressure from the president. But I myself am fighting to bring awareness to how essential the postal office is to the rotation of our society. You guys continue to connect family, business, and much more. I know many people as well that are fighting for you and what you do. Your work is truly valued, and sometimes it can feel like just a job but remember you are so much more. I hope you guys can continue to remain positive, well, and, safe during these times.

Thanks again!

Eduvina Godinez


Hi Teacher,

Hope all is well! I know times may be super challenging and confusing right now but just know you have a huge amount of support behind you. You are doing great and I applaud the sacrifices you are making for our future scholars. We thank you from the bottoms of our hearts! Keep pushing, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Be well :)


Carla Ramos, Your #1 Fan


To our Hospital Workers,

My name is Karol Gutierrez and I am 23 years old. I am a student at California State University, Northridge and I am writing to you to thank you for your dedication to serving your community. I appreciate all the hard and dedicated work that you have provided to keep our community safe. It is during times like these where we need to be grateful for the life that we have every morning as we wake up while there are others who are fighting for their lives. Thank you for saving the ones who are at risk of this virus while health institutes are trying to come up with a solution to put an end to the pandemic. As they are trying to find a cure, vaccine, treatment, etc., it is heroes like you who do their best to slow down the spread of many contagious cases. You risk your lives daily wearing layers of masks, gloves, suits, while encountering ill patients to help them fight for their lives. While other people in the world are not cooperating to slow down the spread, only you are working endless hours to help other patients recover. To us you are brave individuals who are not afraid to get near infected patients and give them the life support needed. So we thank you and we value you for that. What would this world be like without our hospital workers?

Thank you and be safe,

Karol Gutierrez


Dear Postal Worker, 

My name is Stefany and I am a junior in college. I am writing this letter to show my appreciation as you are working during these hard times. I can't imagine working in the heat, rain, and having to wear masks for your own safety as well as the safety of others. It might not be ideal to be working during a pandemic but that is why I appreciate you so much. I see the hard work and value everything you do. Thank you for providing the community with their daily mail. 

Stay safe, 

Stefany Vega 


Dear Food Delivery Hero,

Although you may see your job as small, you are making huge differences every day. The food you are delivering may be to a person in need, a doctor, or the next person to cure this virus. You are definitely the backbone to fixing all this mess and we thank and applaud you every day. Keep it up, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Best wishes!


Carla Ramos, Your #1 Fan