Fruit Metaphors and Similes


Step 1: Closely observe/experience a piece of fruit and describe it physically using all five senses.

Step 2: List everything you associate with this fruit. Don’t spend time thinking about it, just free associate. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense, but keep coming back to your memory of the fruit.

Step 3: Answer the following questions to create metaphors or similes (this is also free-association, or brain-storming, so don’t worry if it doesn’t make logical sense):

· How does the smell move inside your nose?

· If the smell was an animal, what kind of animal would it be?

· How does the taste move inside your mouth?

· If the taste were a place, what place would it be?

· What emotion is the color of the fruit, or its taste or texture?

· If it was a building, what kind of building would it be?

· What kind of weather would it be?

· What musical instrument? What item of clothing or jewelry?

· Any other question that occurs to you!

Step 4: Look at your lists. Which metaphors/similes do you love? Write a paragraph, or three, or a poem or story using the sensory information and associations you’ve gathered.