What is a 916 Ink “Partner”?
Teachers, principals, parents: have you wondered how to bring 916 Ink’s whimsy and wonder into your own (or your child’s) classroom?
Surprise: We offer a Partnership program that allows any school to implement the 916 Ink method!
Our innovative, effective, turnkey curriculum has been seeing success in classrooms across Sacramento for 10 years.
“Academically and socially (especially now, during this pandemic), it just really helps kids grow,” says Deborah Meltvedt, who has been running the Partnership that we have with Health Professions High School since 2011. “It gives kids a safe outlet for personal expression, it builds their confidence and bravery, as well as their reading and writing skills.”
Hilary Brugger from Visions in Education agrees: “I've seen that students who go through the program are more comfortable using their voice, are more engaged in school across the board, are less afraid of the pen, less afraid of having to write their thoughts in a science lab or write a persuasive essay in English.”
When you become a Partner with 916 Ink, your school will receive:
One copy of the Find Your Voice curriculum kit
Access to free quarterly professional development sessions
Ongoing technical assistance regarding our method
An evaluation toolkit and assistance measuring student success
Students find our curriculum engaging, and it also supplements and enhances their educational experience by aligning with California Common Core Standards and California Arts Standards.
“A 916 Ink Partnership changes the culture of a school for the better,” says Hilary Brugger. “The positive ramifications are worth every penny."
Need more info? Read more about the Partnership program here.
We would love to talk with interested individuals about spreading this resource to more schools and students! Click here to Submit a New Partner Application, or email Director of Resources Nikki Cardoza (nikki@916ink.org) to discuss further.