Thank You Letter to Essential Workers


Letter writing has been around for centuries, and letters were even delivered by way of pony across the country. Now we have much more expedited processes, but nothing takes away how special it is to receive a letter from someone! Write a letter to the essential worker of your choice that has made an impact on your life. Has your gratitude for a specific worker grown during this period of shelter-in-place? What do you most appreciate or value from this person? Let them know about the impact they have on your life. If you are able to, deliver this letter to the person!

Here are some examples of who to write letters to:

  • Postal worker

  • Hospital Worker

  • Grocery store clerk

  • Food delivery person

  • Teacher

  • Local businesses

  • Internet provider

  • Tutor

  • Babysitter

Here’s a basic format you can use as an example:
Dear ____________,
My name is __________ and I am ____ years old. I am writing to you to thank you for your dedication to serving your community. I wanted to let you know that I see you and value how hard you work. Without you, _________________ could not happen.
Thanks again! Be well,
___NAME HERE_______